Make wax granules from candle scraps yourself

Just yesterday I wanted to buy wax granules for handicrafts. I was in a few shops but had no success. Short annoyed and thought, because I came up with the idea. Then I'll do it myself. Finally, I had a few candle-wax wax plates at home.

Make wax plates: Pour the remainder of the candle into a bowl of boiling water and let it cool again, lift out the wax plate and let it solidify.

So at home I took my wax plates, a bowl and a kitchen grater and grated the wax slabs with the grated cheese, as it was white wax, the rasp looked like grated coconut, which I found very nice.

Now I had my wax granules and could continue with my crafting.

So copper-colored angel hair and two tealight stars (Thanks to booshi for the tip) in a glass cylinder, some glitterdekosand and water into it.

Now add the wax granules (about 4-5 cm high) and wicks, I have pulled out three of tealights and processed the wax of the same. Then some glittering sand on top of the wax and lit the candles. Excellent!

I really liked the result, the granules can also be very well without water with a wick in the middle in a candle glass, then you can press it for a longer burning time something.

The larger the area, the more wicks will be used.

Have fun with the rasping.

DIY Jewelry Cloche Reuse your Candles! | April 2024