Making apples more durable for autumn arrangements: cover with wax

Have this tip from a friend, who makes great autumn arrangements, and thereby incorporates apples. Unfortunately, they have the problem that they quickly become unsightly. But not with her!

She gave me the "trick". There are tealights that you can buy very cheap. She has melted the wax in a pot. Then it was cooled until it was lukewarm. Then she stuck the apple with a flower wire. The end of the wire has then bent slightly, so that the wire can not "escape". Then the apple was dipped in the lukewarm wax. Then cut the wire as far as it fits in the arrangement. She has been working for three weeks now, and the apples still look as if she just put them in!

Fresh flowers dipped in wax for Preservation | Preserving Flowers | Preserving Roses | April 2024