Making chocolate cases yourself

Autumn and winter is chocolates. Those who make chocolates themselves (for example, cold dog chocolates) also need their own chocolate box. But if you do not have any in the house, you can make jerk-sugar which ones.

All you need is:

  • simple sandwich paper, baking paper or colored parchment paper
  • an inner shape: a cork or e.g. a glue stick (it's just about the shape)
  • an outer shape: a ring e.g. of adhesive film, napkin ring or even a lid of a bottle, in which fits the inner shape
  • a scissors

That's how it's done:

  1. Cut the parchment paper into approximately 5x5 cm squares. (5 cm are pi times thumb? Three fingers wide? See tip //
  2. Use a cork and / or tape ring to make the parchment paper square into a bag. If necessary, it is also easy with your own fingers.
  3. Cut off the paper edge at the desired height or let it stand.

Chocolates are available in the supermarket or in the drugstore to buy. Mostly at the place where you also get toothpicks, paper napkins, shashlik skewers etc. They do not cost much, but if you want to give your cooking and bakery yet another "handwork", make it yourself.

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