Many cucumbers - what to do?

If cucumbers have their wedding, then they are cheap in the trade and plentiful in the garden, but what about the many cucumbers? The pickled gherkins reach to the St. John's Day and the cucumber salad depends on you, with all the variety, even to the neck.

Aaaber, cucumbers you can cook too! I won! The big cucumbers as well as the long snake cucumbers. Peeling is appropriate because the shell cooks longer than the cucumber itself. The cores should be scraped out, because they do not make a pleasant mouthfeel.

But then you can start: The cucumber can be used in thicker or thin slices or in small cubes. You can sauté them in tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese and baked in the oven. It can be steamed in a little water and served with a white sauce. You can sauté them in butter, season well, round off with cream and dill. You can pull them through a batter and bake them floating. You can fry them with onions in butter and add sour cream. Fennel goes well with cucumbers, dill anyway, but also many other spices and herbs. The cucumber is actually tasteless, but it can develop with spices and herbs interesting flavors.

My absolute favorite is this: An onion and a garlic clove - both finely cut - in olive oil braise. Something diced, smoked pancetta with stew, that gives taste! Then diced cucumber is added and about the same amount of small shredded mushrooms. Let the whole thing melt through, spice it up neatly - that's okay. Pepper, salt, grained broth ... herbs can be added - I'll take oregano. Reduce heat, when the liquid that leaves the cucumbers and mushrooms evaporated, the vegetables are even cooked. What do you eat for? Potatoes, short roasted meat, sausage ... Remainders can be pureed and used as a spread. You can also put the vegetables over a layer of cooked potatoes, grated cheese over it and baked in a hot tube for 15 minutes. To the quantity - no, there is no need for quantities. It does not matter if the cucumber is big or small. Whether you only use half a cucumber and 3 mushrooms that drift in the fridge, or two cucumbers and a kilo of mushrooms.

Remember, cucumber and mushrooms have plenty of water and the effective amount will halve in the pan when the liquid has evaporated. And spice it up - try it! If it is bland, then spice it, if it is too much, then add some cucumber ...

Too many cucumbers? YES you can dehydrate them! | April 2024