Marzipan variations

Marzipan, marzipan, marzipan! At every turn it is offered to us, individually or processed. If you often produce your own baked goods, sweets or chocolate biscuits, you can also try other variations.

Normally, marzipan is made up of almonds, sugars and sometimes flavoring substances. My personal opinion: because the effort is much too high, no one makes their own marzipan!

Or have you ever picked up the peach stones from the peaches that actually do not exist in this country? The stones cracked? The cheap private production almonds blanched and peeled off the skins? With sugar together in the blender? And baked from the 30 grams of marzipan delicious delights for the whole family? No? No wonder, because it's just too much effort. So yes, if you buy the almonds ready, no problem, but the price difference to marzipan is low.

With Persipan, the effort with apricot kernels is even worse as they are smaller. In addition, you could also catch nucleate nuclei and then you even bite into the grass.

But there are other nuts, e.g. Walnuts are currently available. Hazelnuts are also available. Sunflower seeds, even macadamia, pistachios, peanuts (not really nuts), Brazil nuts, anything else can be used. Sometimes it makes sense to lightly roast the nuts to get an interesting flavor.

Strictly speaking, it is then no longer marzipan, but hand on heart, as long as it is delicious and as long as you can produce it yourself, maybe even combined with a collective autumn gathering with family and friends, as long as it is fun, as long as no one sells and claims that it's marzipan, so long it's alright, right?


  • Nuts etc. etc. raw, light or well roasted, alone or mixed
  • Sugar, raw cane sugar, powdered sugar, etc. at will (i.e. less sweet)
  • Liquid (water, alcohol, liqueur, juice, syrup, flavor, spices (vanilla, anise), etc.)

Preparation / production

  1. Add nuts and sugar to a shredder. Chop to the desired fineness and mix with the machine.
  2. CAUTION Add liquid in very small quantities. Most of the time then the ball is rolling, that is, as soon as the mass connects to a lump, it's done. If you have added too much liquid, you can think about whether you can bale the mass with other nuts and sugar, or if it is too wet, then a part has to go away.
  3. Practically, I recommend storage and processing cooled in cling film.
  4. If you want to experiment further, you can also add dried fruit, chocolate, fresh fruit with alcohol (be careful, it's not so long-lasting, it's best to consume it right away) or caramel syrup, marmalade or or or or.

For further processing, the whole is then also. With the Christmas cookies you can press in a bowl, bake, then fill in the fresh marzipan and finish baking, then it gets a slightly firmer layer on top and will last. If you then spend a shortbread biscuit with walnut-vanilla marzipan and a shortbread with marzipan made of roasted hazelnut-chocolate-marzipan filling, you will certainly experience an enormous echo.

I think in the forum will be one or the other idea or experience report.

Marzipan Variation | April 2024