Mediterranean sheep cheese - "casserole" with vegetables

Sheep cheese is really delicious and as a "casserole" with vegetables it tastes so good again. Before we start we need the following:

1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 zucchini (size of your choice)
3 tomatoes
4 carrots
some black olives (you can, but you do not have to)
a few artichokes (goes without)
2 packets of feta cheese (we like the real one)
2 cloves of garlic

Cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces and sauté briefly in a little oil.

Brush a fireproof mold with a bit of oil and rub in garlic, add the vegetables. Also cut the sheep's cheese and mix under it.

Now the whole at 150 degrees circulating air for about 15 minutes in the oven. We had white bread and the first Federweisser. Meal.

Mediterranean Spiral Pasta, vegetarian with Feta cheese, egg plant and bell pepper | April 2024