Mobile phone at the wheel can be deadly!

Accidents of "unexplained cause" are increasing more and more! An example: In city traffic, a young driver is distracted by her cell phone, as they admitted themselves and witnesses confirmed. In the tenth of a second of distraction, she loses control of her vehicle and bumps into a curb, brushing two pedestrians and seriously injuring them. She herself is slightly injured, in shock. Your life and that of the injured will change, the accident has a lengthy legal sequel with significant financial and legal consequences.

Always above the limit?

It has been scientifically proven that humans are by nature not capable of driving a vehicle safely and permanently at a speed of more than 20 km / h. Basically, a motorist moves every day over the limit to get from A to B. The constant overstraining of perception and responsiveness has become a habit since the vehicle began its triumphant advance. The internal system of man has undoubtedly changed, it has been reformed. Because the motto of the industrial societies is without any alternative to road traffic. Almost all human action depends on being mobile.

Mobile phone in hand despite driving

Dense traffic on the highway, congestion, faltering traffic, standstill, go on. The mobile emits a beep. An SMS is deposited. Who wants what? Is it important? Another beep indicates that there are messages in the social network. That comes the big brooding, I call everything fast? No parking in sight, of course, it would be safe to wait until the next parking lot arrives, but the time pressure does not allow a break. It's already too late anyway. The dense traffic. What happens now, everyone can think and a chain of each independent process will decide whether it is doing well or not: "For unexplained cause" has driven on a highway, a car in the Mittelleitplanke. He was thrown to the right lane by the impact and rammed a truck sideways. The car was thrown back on the left lane and was rammed by another car on the driver's side, who wanted to overtake. The cause of the accident died at the accident site, the inmates of the other car were all seriously injured. The truck driver suffered a shock.

The accumulation of such accidents of "unexplained cause" indicate a worrying development. How should one meet this?

The legislator has recognized the danger potential. But do tougher penalties for phone drivers help? Everyday life has its own laws, the chance of not being caught on the phone at the wheel is great. One trained while driving a panoramic view, in time to spy on a police vehicle, the cell phone to the side. The Bluetooth technology allows hands-free operation in cars without the installation of expensive additional equipment. The temptation to make a phone call while driving increases all the more, because "hands-free talking is allowed", so the argument. A still existing distraction by typing in numbers or messages is displaced.

Tiredness or distraction

Bring on the front man without any brakes, get into oncoming traffic for "unexplained cause", overlook other road users, drive into intersections when red, endanger other road users. What is the reason for such incidents? Most of the interviewed volunteers at the scene of the accident are left with evaluations, they are wary of prejudice, but almost everyone has the same thoughts. Distraction by mobile phone at the wheel? or tiredness? Why is it serious traffic accidents of "unexplained cause"? It is clear that driving in the last 10 years has changed dramatically and the potential for distraction is increasing. A car is worn out of the track within seconds at city speed, if the driver is distracted z. B. by a quick look at the phone.

Posters should draw attention

Large posters on the side of the road with the text: "Hands off the cell phone" with impressive photos of bereaved bereaved, are to make the motorists sensitive. After all, one approach to tackle the problem without further tightening.

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Terrifying video shows how distracted teens can be while driving | April 2024