Moths fight with pheromone traps

Food moths are not only annoying, but also harmful to health. They especially like to settle in dry stocks. Once you have them in the pantry, these pests will not be so easy to get rid of.

It is important that you regularly check your dry supplies. If there are moths, spiders or larvae to be seen, throw away any infested food immediately.

Then clean the storage cabinets thoroughly. However, even after thorough cleaning is not guaranteed that you are rid of these critters, as they also like to nest in inaccessible cabinet and shelf crevices.

Therefore, it makes sense to place pheromone traps (which are especially for food and clothing moths) in closets with dry supplies.

Freshly hatched moths or those that have not been caught cleaning and sifting are lured by the lures and stick to a sticky surface.

I have had dealings with these pests before, but since I have these pheromone traps in the closet, I'm rid of them!

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