Mourning mosquitoes

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Fight thrips (thunderstorms)
April 2024

Fight thrips (thunderstorms)

thrips, also thrips or thrips called, represent a classification class of insects. Their scientific name is Thysanoptera. In the vernacular, they are, depending on the regional dialect, called...

Fighting scary mosquitoes and fruit flies
April 2024

Fighting scary mosquitoes and fruit flies

Many confuse mourning gnats and fruit flies. Against fruit flies helps the already mentioned vinegar trick. Against mourning flies, these little black things that live in and around the potting soil...

Radically decimate mourning mosquitoes
April 2024

Radically decimate mourning mosquitoes

"Decimating because: Destruction is only possible if EVERYTHING on organic substrate is removed from the apartment / house. After reading these vast amounts of partly crazy nonsense here, I let...