Natural poisons in the food

Eat healthy with lots of vegetables? that is the goal of many. Pay attention to organic quality to avoid pesticides, nitrites, acrylamide, sulfites and other chemically produced, harmful residues. However, are plants brave journeymen and often protect themselves against predators against poisons? also against humans.

Green beans and chickpeas

Green beans in the raw state contain the poison Phasin. Phasin clumps the red blood cells together, it makes you feel sick, you have to vomit and get diarrhea. At higher doses, there may also be bleeding in the digestive tract. For young children, a few raw green beans are life threatening! Cooking makes the poison harmless? at least 10 minutes please. Chickpeas should never be cooked in soaking water, but at least two hours.

Kidney beans

Phytohemagglutinin is the evil villain in raw, also dried kidney beans. Five raw kidney beans are enough for the worst nausea symptoms. Change soaking water several times and then boil the beans well in fresh water? At least 15 minutes to destroy the toxin, two hours to soften the beans. Canned kidney beans are already cooked and therefore harmless.

Tomatoes and potatoes

These two contain as solanaceae alkaloids alkaloids, in this case is in all green parts of the poisonous solanine. For stalking and leafing tomatoes (wash hands after touching them!) And in unripe fruits. In potatoes, also in the herb, but also in the shell, in green spots and in the germs.

Fortunately, our modern varieties contain less poison than the original plants, but you should peel potatoes, cut out green ones well and no longer eat sprouted germs. Otherwise there is a risk of nausea, vomiting, sweating and possibly even shortness of breath.

Pumpkin and zucchini

Fruits that come from the farmer or gardener are modern hybrids and thus harmless. Beware of self-grown seed products. The cucurbits used to contain large amounts of cucurbitacins, poisonous bitter substances that have been bred out over the years. Whoever gains semen from hybrids may be able to reactivate old gene lines? So who gets zucchini as a gift, try a small piece of raw? she is extremely bitter, better off with it!


Rhubarb contains a lot of oxalic acid, which is the stuff that leaves this strange feeling on your teeth and can also cause kidney and bladder stones. Most oxalic acid is in the leaves, so fingers away. Cooking rinses out some of the acid. Even dairy products defuse them. By the way, also in spinach, chard, sorrel and gooseberry oxalic acid is included.

Woodruff and cassia cinnamon

Coumarin brings woodruff and cassia cinnamon to the scent. At the same time, it can do some damage in larger doses: vomiting, headache, dizziness, somnolence, even liver damage for a long time. So if you want to make Waldmeisterbowle yourself, you should keep the amount and duration of flavoring small and short! For cinnamon, you should make sure that you buy the genuine Ceylon cinnamon, which are fine, thin, multi-layered bark rolls from the cinnamon tree, which contain little or no coumarin. However, since the food industry usually uses the cheaper cassia cinnamon from Chinese cinnamon cassia (commercially available as a single-layered, thick bark roll), one should be a little cautious with finished cinnamon rolls.

Red wine. Sauerkraut. Old cheese. Canned tuna. Raw, cured and smoked sausages.

The overrides here are biogenic amines, such as histamine. These arise when processing food. In the case of red wine, for example, after fermentation, lactic acid bacteria can form, which decompose proteins and thus produce amines. The result: a big headache even with moderate wine consumption. Some people are very sensitive to histamine and should therefore refrain from the above-mentioned foods and stimulants.


The dose makes the poison, said Paracelsus. If you take more than 4 g of nutmeg at once, you may experience a blue miracle: hallucinations, nausea, unconsciousness are the result. Relatively small amounts can be fatal, for children two nutmegs are probably enough to die en bloc, in adults three nuts cause mortal danger.

And finally: the bloated can

Immediately in the trash with it. Botulinum toxins may have formed here? properly combined: BoTox, the substance that some inject into the forehead. A dangerous neurotoxin, which initially causes nausea and vomiting and then puts it on paralysis. Not only facial muscles, but especially respiratory and cardiac muscles are paralyzed. The bacterium Chlostridium botulinum needs a non-acidic, low-oxygen environment to feel good. Perfect are sausage, meat and fish preserves. Cured things do not like it very much.If a can is bloated or if a gas escapes audibly when you open it, then you should dispose of this can very quickly!

Top 10 Toxic Foods We Love To Eat | April 2024