No greasy hair despite sports

Oily hair? Itchy or spotty scalp? Are you doing a lot of sports? Do your hair look stringy, dull and greasy afterwards?

I always had greasy hair. Since my puberty, I fought with it. In addition, I had pimples on my scalp and itching. There was a läuseverseuchter dog do not mind. I have been looking for a long time and finally a shampoo, which I have 2 years! the loyalty holds. It just makes your hair beautiful. Great structure, great shine and nice smells tuts too.

I have brown, fine and long hair. For a good 3 months I am doing INTENSIVE sports. 5 times a week. Including jogging, weight training and dancing. I'm sweating a lot, but I do not want to wash my hair every day. This is the Pharmaceris H Sebopurin, because although I have sweated, the hair looks fresh and are also fat-free the next day.

Grease (1978) - Phony Danny Scene (3/10) | Movieclips | April 2024