Ölziehkur protects daily against infections

I would like to tell you something about the oil pulling cure as I apply it.

Every morning on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon of oil, I've been taking sunflowers for years, because that's the best way to get it right. You can also take rapeseed or olive oil etc.

What is really important, start with the Ölziehkur minutes! So you slowly get used to the oil. I did it this way: Every morning!

1 week: Flush with the oil for 1 minute.
2 weeks: Rinse with oil for 2 minutes, etc.

Until you reach 10 weeks - 10 minutes every morning. Then I got used to it!

The benefit for me:

Since many bacteria in the mouth are not water-soluble, they dissolve with the oil. With 10 minutes of oil in the mouth, always nice back and forth, pull up / down the oil / move. The music in fast music, who has appointments, while washing, dressing, combing etc.

After at least 10 minutes, the oil looks white, these are the bacteria.

Please spit in the garbage bag, then rinse with a sip of water and again in the bag. In no case swallowed, otherwise everything was in vain.

There are fewer infections, less headaches, and overall well-being has improved. Good luck and endurance!

Mega Tipp * Immunsystem stärken * Detox * Hilft bei Erkältung & gegen Mundgeruch * für weiße Zähne | April 2024