Optimal room temperature in the apartment

How warm or cold should our rooms be?

All the institutions, instances and persons who have ever published something or decided to do it, can not be enumerated. The series would be too long!

First of all - What does a product test tell us or rather the issue "test" from the December 1996 under the heading "sensible heating - do not overheat" to the most important rooms?

room Optimal temperature
Food, living 20 ° C
Sleep 16-18 ° C
bath 23 ° C
children 20 ° C
kitchen 18 ° C


Since this environmental tip was published in December, I would like to complain that the tip for kitchen temperature seems particularly strange to me, because he does not take into account that we have almost tropical temperatures in German kitchens just at Christmas time, as well as on numerous days in the run-up to Christmas. And - we know that this heat is stored quite a few days in the building and the interior.

Conclusion: The value for the kitchen has probably determined so a Pasha, who does not go home in the kitchen.

The bathroom temperature can still be too low at 23 ° Celsius. In a small, short-lived room, the temperature of the surrounding walls (for example, tiles on concrete) and the temperature of the supply air play a major role. Massive walls remove heat. Insulated or multi-walled walls do that much less.

Which temperature is right for the living room? The recommended "well-being temperature" was probably taken from "test" from the general room characteristics of another surface (possibly from DIN?). There are also some - sometimes funny - judgments of courts of the lower instances.

Do I feel comfortable in our apartment at 20 ° Celsius? No! The owner (the Berlin HOWOGE) has installed windows that had a k-value of 1.6. Today this is a U-value of 2.08.

Now it's getting technical:

In the building physics calculation of the windows we determine the following values ​​/ temperatures:

Temperature on the inside of the glazing: less than 15 ° Celsius!

It is therefore clear that a "feel-good temperature" with conventional heating can hardly be achieved or is economically justified.

We need at least 16 ° Celsius on the inside of the living room window, if the air temperature in the room would be 23 ° Celsius!

Or, in other words, even at a room temperature of 21 ° Celsius in the living room, the surface temperature of an "enclosure surface" is perceived as discomforting when it is less than 17 ° Celsius.

This is how nature and physics and generally accepted rules of technology work.

The confusing number game clarifies that there can be no fixed, generally recommended room temperature, It is therefore also wrong to make fundamental judgments or to specify norms according to types of use.

For such values, for the court decisions of the last decades or DIN norms, the buildings would have to be de facto changed and standardized. This has nothing to do with turning up the heating.

This will be different in each house, in each room.

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