Pasta salad with cucumbers, eggs and meat sausage

Ingredients: 500g pasta, 1 glass of mayo, gherkins (3/4 glass), 10 eggs, 1 meat sausage with garlic, salt, pepper, curry spicy ketchup, to taste onions, mushrooms (champ.), Peas.

Boil noodles and let cool well, then season with salt and pepper, pour some spice water (cucumbers), stir. Let it rest for 10 min. Now chop the boiled eggs, add. Gherkins and meat sausage also cut nicely and add to the pasta as well.

Then add onions, peas and the mushrooms to taste. Add mayo to the salad and stir everything. Put some curry spiced ketchup into the jar of the mayo and add a little water. Shake and pour over the salad. Let it stand for 1 hour and then stir it.

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