Picture frames made of paper

If you want to frame a photo original, fast and cheap, you can fold a frame out of solid paper yourself. Looks great, when a lot of them hang on a wall.

My frame is designed so that pictures in the format 10 x 15 cm fit exactly. To make it easier, you can simply print the template (picture 2). The frames require solid paper or cardboard. It's best with photo carton (300 g). Transfer the original to the photo carton and slightly perforate the marked fold lines with a rounded embroidery needle and a ruler. This makes it easier to fold the paper. But please do not work with too much pressure. The paper is supposed to stay whole. If you want to frame larger photos, you can simply enlarge the base area (internal dimension) of the template and then mark the side panels with the distances 1, 1.5, 1 and 1.5 cm. The dimensions of my frame can be found on picture 3.

Now cut out the template along the outer lines and fold the four sides in at the fold lines (picture 4). The long sides are then pressed into the shorter bevelled sides (Figure 5). The paper frame is ready and completely without gluing (picture 6). To insert the photos, carefully release the upper side, insert the picture and close the frame again (picture 1). To hang a small self-adhesive picture hook or stick a tape as a loop with Tesafilm on the back (Figure 7).

This is needed:

  • A4 photo carton (300g)
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • Blunt embroidery needle

DIY PAPER FRAME | April 2024