Polish flag


Preparation time: 5 min.
Total preparation time: 5 min.


  • vodka
  • raspberry syrup
  • Tabasco
  • shot glasses


  1. Take a shot glass and fill it with vodka, so that the glass is almost full of vodka.
  2. Then add so much raspberry syrup until the contents of the shot glass in the lower part get a reddish color.
  3. Last but not least, you can add Tabasco. With the Tabasco crowd you have to try something. It always depends on how sharp the individual people are.

drinking guide

You have to dump the contents into your mouth, but do not swallow it directly. In the mouth, the contents have to be mixed for final flavoring. It is important to shake your head. Only then swallow;)

To the name

The name comes from the red color of the raspberry syrup and the color neutral vodka. Red and white are the national colors of Poland, after which this drink was named.


The stuff really bangs animal.

Fun With Flags #23 - Polish Flag | April 2024