Proper handling of a Pümpels

If you do not know what a pool is, you can look here: What is a Pümpel / Pömpel ?.

There, however, is not properly explained how to deal with the thing. That's why this article here:

A Pümpel is ideal as a biological-neutral Entstopfungshilfe for: bathtub, sink, sink and toilet.

For the Pümpelei works, you should follow the following 4 "golden rules":

  1. In the (clogged) tube should be as much water.
  2. Above the pool used, there should also be plenty of water.
  3. There must be no further air-supplying openings (possibly close).
  4. When pumping you should have the feeling, the whole water column move with his movements, only then the vacuum effect works.

The following tips are given to the 4 golden pool rules:

  • In the toilet, it is easiest to make sure that there is enough water above the pool (this will usually be the reason why you start the action). But please check, if not perhaps a larger object in the pipe is the cause (potsherds, mobile phone).
  • As "pumping frequency" is an up-down movement of about 0.9-1.5 Hz optimal. As I said, as soon as one has the feeling, by the vacuum effect, the whole water column in the pipe move, then one is at the right point. If necessary slowing down or faster. Faster than 3x per second, I think that's exaggerated.
  • As a precaution, wear rubber boots in the bathtub first. Otherwise you stand barefoot in the musty nasty Gesabber and the stink you get only badly off the feet.
  • Sealing of so-called overflow protection is especially important for sinks and sinks (in the bathtub often very difficult to do). For this you can either take a wet cloth and press it against the overflow protection opening, even better take hot wax and so airtight close the slot or even use putty. I usually use plasticine.
  • If you hear "gurgling" or "farting noises" you have overlooked an opening. As I said: Close as airtight as possible.
  • If the water column feels buttery, then you do not pump properly. It should feel like the effort of lifting a soda box, then it's right.

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