Properly watering flowers

So we pour our flowers in our flower shop:

We take a 10 L bucket and fill it with lukewarm water (cold can not absorb the flowers well or it damages them). Then take the plant out of the planter and see if it is dry. If this is the case, immerse the plant in the bucket so that the plastic pot is in the water (green may stay outside).

Now wait a moment, until the bale has completely filled with water (until it stops "bubbling"). Pick up the plant, wait until the excess water has run down and put it back in the pot.

The plants need different amounts of water:

Little does need plants with thick-fleshed leaves (e.g., flaming catkins, gum-tree), these plants store water in their leaves.

A lot of water, e.g. all sorts of grasses, cages and hydrangeas. Water less in the winter! Unless the plants are in the sun all day.

How to water a plant.... the right way! | April 2024