Refresh color photos with reddish

Color photos with reddish may be "refreshed" with the image editing program of your PC. become.

Who does not know that? Color images from the 70s and 80s have often lost any color except red and brown. There are laboratories that offer a "rescue", of course not in vain.

For anyone who can edit their photos with an image editor, I'd like to pass on my experience of scanning family albums for my children:

When I clicked on the "automatic improvement" button in my program, the reddish-brown turf suddenly turned green again! Somehow the program probably has a "feel" for how the colors should actually be.

Incidentally, this is a program that can digitize slides and negatives. I bought the set for less than 20 euros at ALDI.

How to Repair and Colorize Old Photos (Adobe Photoshop CC Tutorial) | April 2024