Remove ants with window cleaner

So I have a moderate to severe problem with ants. They have been in my kitchen for a short time.

Presumably they come in the cellar through the brick wall. As if that's not enough, millions of these animals live in my garden. You are welcome to live there, even my mole does not bother me.

But ants in the apartment, no thanks. Well, back to the topic, I first tried cinnamon and I was happy the next day, boah no ant. Think the beasts have flocked in droves in and under the trash can.

Out of pure despair, I then resorted to the window cleaner from Lidl. W5, does not know if it makes the mark. The beasts are dead immediately.

As soon as I see one, there is a spray and that's it. There are fewer and fewer. Two days later there were only two left.

How To Kill Ants Without Poison | April 2024