Remove candle wax from the car seat

So first does not ask how it came there :-)

I tried the usual method with the iron, but unfortunately did not work.

Then I tried with a hot air dryer to make the wax hot and quickly sucked off with a strong vacuum cleaner. Did not work too well. At least the stain has gone paler.

Then I went to the hardware store and found a fat, wax and dirt remover from Mellerud.

I have incorporated the stuff pure with a sponge properly. Then rinse the sponge and dabbed with a bit of clear water, the cleaner back out of the pad. I still have very slight shadows in them that you barely see. If I did that again, the stain would be gone. But today was a sweaty affair.

How to get candle wax out of fabric. It's amazing! | April 2024