Remove grease & grease from carpets & textiles

As is known, benzine is a suitable fat solvent. Little is known that brake cleaner in spray form is pure white spirit and thus is ideal, stains from carpets, e.g. find out. Stains are often fatty and can be easily removed.

Take a clean (!) (Cotton) cloth (cloth, underpants :-)) and spray it with the brake cleaner. Then wipe or scrub the stain out. Sometimes repeated use is required.

Watch out! Check for color at a suitable point! Spray on the cloth - NOT on the carpet, as this spreads the stain ...

Anecdote on the edge: My dear beetle (God bless him) had a sunroof, on which the mechanics clamped. After the repair the roof was OK, but my sky and the velor edge were covered with fingerprints and smears. "No problem," said the car master, took the brake cleaner and eliminated with the soaked cloth, the spots in no time. You really did not see anything anymore and my "little one" shone in bright luster ...

Editor's tip:

Brake Cleaner Spray is also available here on Amazon.

How to remove grease from car upholstery | April 2024