Remove lime & urine scale

You clean and clean, but shortly after cleaning you can see again the first deposits in the toilet, which is annoying and exhausting. For some time now, I have been using detergents and struggling much less with deposits.

For this I give about 1-2 teaspoons of washing powder in the toilet and let it act for 20 minutes. Afterwards, I scrub thoroughly with the brush and everything is radiantly clean.

Detergent is composed of various ingredients, the surfactants are crucial. Surfactants release dirt and grease. The water softeners in the detergent bind the lime, so that the deposits dissolve more easily.

Of course you should not exaggerate it, because the lye is not completely environmentally friendly, so it is better not to let the detergent penetrate overnight and not to use it too often.

Toilet lazy flush and mineral buildup repair - Lime or Calcium in HD | April 2024