Rescue a torn fingernail

I have used this trick many times when I am stuck with the nail and this was torn on the side.

You can save the nail until it's outgrown, through a dry tea bag and glue.

Use a pair of scissors to cut off a corner of the teabag fleece. The nail is coated with adhesive from the front and at the bottom. Let it dry a bit and then put the tea bag over the torn nail.

Press well and allow to dry. If the nail with his "plaster" dry, you can cut off protruding fleece pieces.

If you paint the nail now, you can not see the crack anymore. If you do not wear a colored varnish, you can also varnish over it.

This is not just for the look, but provides support.

MY LIFE IS OVER I AM BROKEN / Fixing my broken nail | April 2024