Respiratory tract & ears

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10 tips against house dust allergy
April 2024

10 tips against house dust allergy

Who wakes up with swollen, itchy eyes, the world with a sneeze? Good morning? says, is greeted by a stuffy nose or equal to the handkerchiefs, may suffer from a house dust allergy. The allergic...

Shortness of breath: What to do if there is a shortage of air?
April 2024

Shortness of breath: What to do if there is a shortage of air?

Shortness of breath can have many causes that are not always due to illness. But did you know that illnesses are caused by wrong breathing? Or do you think that it does not matter how the air gets...

Clean the ventilation hole on the hearing aid while traveling
April 2024

Clean the ventilation hole on the hearing aid while traveling

A tip for hearing aid users: Maybe you know the thing in the first picture. This is this plastic thing, on which the price tag from the shops hangs on the garments. Hearing aids have a ventilation...

Tinnitus noises: Counteract annoying beeping and whistling
April 2024

Tinnitus noises: Counteract annoying beeping and whistling

Hello, For years I have suffered heavily from a loud tinnitus noise. At my last earache, the doctor and my husband persuaded me to have a hearing test. Since then I carry hearing aids. And I can not...

Apples for allergy sufferers
April 2024

Apples for allergy sufferers

Who has hay fever (trees), usually can not stand apples. This is called cross allergy. This is noticeable by swollen gums, itching in the mouth and throat, in the worst case by shortness of breath....

From the dormouse to the abdominal dormouse
April 2024

From the dormouse to the abdominal dormouse

Unfortunately, I have sleep apnea and am pronounced back sleepers. I should change that, because oxygen saturation was at 75. I sewed a tennis ball into the T-shirt and something else, but did not...

Help with nocturnal cold nose
April 2024

Help with nocturnal cold nose

Those who, like me, suffer from an over-sensitive nose and polyneuropathy, a disorder of the peripheral nerves that lie outside of the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system), may give...