Roast duck for forgetfulness

Well, how does a Raaabe make one of his distant relatives? There are billions of duck recipes here, but what I have fabricated today, that's in the tips still net.

Well, I did the frozen flutter man yesterday to thaw in the fridge. Zapperlot, the cattle had thawed at nine this morning. Flight out the bag ausm A ****. Then I took my time first. The red cabbage was ready, the dumplings in the bag (lump mass, as I always take for finished).

At some point, at half past ten, I made the Quaker fine for my oven. So washed off, the pancreas cut out (important!), The bacon put out (which come in the rear, so there's enough lard later), very tenderly salt, pepper and marjoram massaged ... also how comfortable would be the cattle, if Kopp and Feeedern had ... abba nu ... peace of his soul. Inside, of course, also salt, pepper and marjoram pure. And Zwieeeebeln! Cut into rough pieces and blanched beforehand. Always in the Vochel. Then the butt plugged with toothpicks. And then I made the poor guy at least bissi comfortable. Aufm belly. In the roasting pan! Some broth poured, a bit red. Salt, pepper and marjoram sprinkled over it again. Slight amount of clarified butter on the delicate skin (after all, it should not get any blisters.) Butterschmalz acts like sunscreen.

So far, it's still easy. Should it stay so. Clean with the cattle tube. 230 degrees. Phew, eat that hot. Elf was it. Half past eleven. The temperature down. I do not want to torture the Quaker too much. 80 degrees. Then I am anne work. Advertising for the new company. Six again at home. So what? Seven hours in the oven. Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that. Still half an hour. Then put on water for the dumplings. Red cabbage was warmed up. Now the bird gets everything. Turn around! Immediately! aaaah, does that good. Finally lie on his back. Shut, that heats up the pipe. 250 degrees. Top heat! Auaaua, that hurts. I'm not. Yes, duck, would have been n Raaabe, would now schmurgeln net in the pipe. So, 20 minutes later the dumplings are ready, the cabbage is hot. Finally save the bird.

Torment again, now finally. Ran with the carving knife. N quarter cut out. The skin crackles and crumbles, the flesh ... soft and juicy, without airs. No Madarins, no maroni in it. No asian spices. Duck pure ... with a few onions. As the Raaaabe ne duck imagines. A successful idea.

But: this was not about the filling or the spice variety. But the cooking method. Actually, the easiest, because you can REALLY forget the roast, without being messed up. Nothing burns, nothing gets dry. And the taste? Completed.

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