Sleeping cool in the heat - even in the hotel

In the summer we usually go cycling tours where you sleep in a different hotel every night. And not every hotel has air conditioning in the room, so the rooms are often too warm to sleep.

The already known tips (hot water bottle with ice water fill, nightwear in freezer, fan set up, etc.) are unfortunately not feasible in the hotel.

Since I did not want to ask for a bed sheet in every hotel to cover and a bed sheet was too heavy for me to take away (man - er, woman - has anyway always a much too heavy suitcase), I have changed my mind this year something else.

I have halved an old duvet cover (because I always need something to cover). He is big enough and not too heavy.

Some hotel rooms were still much too warm (the airing in the evening brought no relief), so we came up with the idea, the duvet cover wet (very well wring) and to cover with it! A blessing!
This can be done at night simply again, because the sheet is dry again after a few hours.

If you have not brought a duvet cover, if necessary, can also make the bath towel damp and over the legs.

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