Sugar water against coughing at night

Mix a glass of lukewarm water with 2 teaspoons of sugar and drink. Soothes at least at night, and you can sleep through.

janabanana: This annoying Rumgemoser annoys me with the tips here. Either you accept it or leave it alone.
And after 7 hours you do not get tooth decay, as you should talk about it with your dentist over it. If complain, then at least with background knowledge! Flower Woman: @marasu:
Sorry, but I had that too. the cough wanted and did not want to disappear despite medication from the pharmacy. Now it has been established that the cough had to do with my heart. 2 times I was already in the clinic. I have to take pills all my life now. So I certainly did not get any cash from you. I was healthy all my life. worked for almost 45 years and always paid. barely made sick in time. You do not have to be so Pampig if you do not know the / the people. Better turn on your brain before you become offensive yes? I meant well because I was so stupid and never went to the doctor.

Wet Cough - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies | April 2024