Super soft hummus - with cheese peas

Super soft hummus - the trick with the chickpeas.

Chick-pea, the so-called Tabbouleh, is a wonderful accompaniment to grilled fish or meat. Of course you can also soak the dried chickpeas overnight and cook until soft. But today there are those, as one would say in my Franconian homeland "Lazy Weiberleut" version.

There is a trick where even the chickpeas from the can make a wonderfully tender Mus.

Open the can, pour the water and pour the chickpeas into a pot of boiling water. Once boil, then remove from heat, stir with a wooden spoon a few times and let stand until the water has cooled.

The small pellets that surround the chickpeas like a shell float on the surface of the water. They are the ones who make the music "scratchy" and are hard to digest for some people, or give out loud. You can now easily lift the cuticles with a spoon.

Then the chickpeas will be crushed. On a big box comes:

  • Juice of 1 1/2 lemons
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Chili powder or fresh chili as much as you can stand
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 spoonful of peanut butter or tahin (sesame paste)
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 100 g of natural yoghurt

I do it in the food processor, the stirrer goes too. Likewise the potato masher and muscle power.

The Tabbouleh can easily be taken to a picnic in a screw-top jar! It tastes great for anything except chocolate cake - though .... I have not tried that yet.

Hummus 4 Ways | April 2024