Tetra pack as a flower pot - herbs from the milk carton

I just had no flowerpot for herbs on hand and have sown my cress in a clipped milk carton.

Whenever you need them, there are no pots. So I planted my herbs in a milk carton without further ado. That works quite well. Even geraniums survive in such a homemade pot. If you want, you can paint the tetra packs, turn them into little works of art or, like my child, make houses with a mini balcony.

First, cut the packet with scissors. Poke small holes in the underside so that the herbs do not get waterlogged. Then fill in a few pebbles or shards. Fill soil in the tetra pack and sown the seeds or plant the herbs. The package can be used high or across as a pot. Cross is good for cress. Herbs with many roots, e.g. Basil, need space, it is better to cut the Tetrapacks upright.

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