Tips about the onion

Here are some information and tips about the onion:

The kitchen onion is the hottest variety. The essential oil allicin exits when the onion is cut. And it works on our teardrop. The large onion is slightly milder and sweeter than the onion. The red onion has a mild spiciness and is also sweetish. The white onion is very mild and has a fine taste.

  1. If onions are difficult to peel, pour over boiling water.
  2. Fresh onions can cause problems in the stomach and intestines. Briefly dipping in boiling water, which helps to make them digestible.
  3. Beautify soup: with the brown onion skins boil, the colorless broth gets a splash of color. Even with cooked, crushed tomatoes or yellow turnips give off color.
  4. Onion shoots develop rapidly with fresh onions. These shoots are non-toxic and ideal for seasoning and small chopped. You can also burn them down with a flame and prevent further expulsion.
  5. Onions that are burned give roasts and sauces a bitter taste. It does not help - just take the meat out of the pan and start a new frying process with hot fat and fresh onions.
  6. Onion smell on the hands vanishes, if you run a lot of cold water over your hands. A brush with stainless steel holder also helps if you rub the metal over your hand.

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