Treasure hunt in the dark, really awesome

If you own a big house, you have the best conditions for a scary treasure hunt for adults. For this treasure hunt, there are volunteers who want to go on the treasure hunt and of course allies who organize the treasure hunt and make.

There is always a message written that leads to the next message, until, of course, the treasure beckons after several messages. At the treasure hunt, the light in the house is switched off and the treasure hunters have only a flashlight with which they should move in the darkness of the house and find the next clue.

If it's going to be a creepy treasure hunt, you should count on strange noises in the dark, like the ticking of a pendulum clock, a telephone that suddenly rings and gives a clue, the sound of a bell, the sound of water or a plastic bag.

Of course, attention must be paid to safety, so choose well the ways of treasure hunting and respect for stairs or furniture that stand in the way.

It is also possible to hang feathers in the rooms that brush the faces of the treasure hunters. I have often organized and conducted such a treasure hunt in the dark for adults and even the residents of the respective houses were excited about their own house, because it is totally different in the dark.

Try this treasure hunt in the dark and you will see how much fun the participants will have.

"We have laughed so much, we have not had them for a long time," it will be called!