Trick 17 and your dog does not want to go to the sofa anymore

If your dog should learn that the sofa is taboo, simply stick double-sided tape on it at regular intervals.

With a leather sofa or other sensitive material, you can also stick it on a blanket and put it on it. Once Wauzi has stuck to it with his paws, he does not like the couch anymore.

wovoka: Hi,

I do not own a dog, but a cat .... and she sleeps where she wants ... sofa, bed, cupboard .... and ... it does not bother me ... already had some contact to dogs and have never turned up the boss ... anyway they have listened to me better than their bossigen owners ... an animal is a family member and may also on the sofa ... it must only "obey" in so far, that it is neither for themselves nor for others ne ... and lying on the sofa ... is neither for dog nor visit nor for me a danger ... and who cares ... well, he does not need more to come .... if the tape is so healthy for the dog or cat, I dare to doubt the rest ... if it sticks to the paw, is licked and the stuff is certainly not safe.

Wovoka mops: I would not tolerate my dogs in bed or on the sofa!
I love my dogs and trust them completely, but I would never offer them a place at the same level! A dog wants - no, must know that he takes the lowest rank. Take a look at wild dogs or wolves, the animals are ranked. The highest-ranking dog or wolf is in an elevated position, the lower an animal is in the pack order, the lower it is. Since I am the alpha "animal", I am lying on a sofa or bed and my dog ​​on the floor (on his blanket of course)!
If I let my dog ​​go to bed, it's the same nonsense as if I let him slip through disobedience. This is simply not possible, because a dog who does not obey or does not know which place he occupies in the pack, is unsettled and thus potentially dangerous!

How to Teach your Puppy to Listen When they Won't! | April 2024