Vegetarian, full & low fat makes you full, healthy & fit

It's always the same with dieting: in the beginning, enthusiasm, then you go through a few days and finally fall back into your old eating habits. Instead, over the years, I've found a simple diet that will keep me fit and healthy in a healthy way that I would like to introduce here.

No animals on the menu

First of all, I eat strictly vegetarian, so eat neither meat nor sausage nor gelatin o.Ä. This has been proven to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, is good for the intestines and digestive system, and even prevents cancer.

Reduce sugar

My second motto is: as little white flour and sugar as possible! Instead, I choose wholemeal flour and products and sweeter sweet with dried fruit and the like. Wherever it fits, do I add fiber like wheat bran? that makes you full and binds toxins in the digestive tract.

Use healthy oils

The third pillar of my diet is a good fat selection: I have neither butter nor cream in the fridge, but a rich selection of good ones? unsaturated? Vegetable oils (olive oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, rapeseed oil and, of course, the particularly healthy linseed oil, which really cleans the blood vessels). I use the oils sparingly and make sure that my diet is very low in fat. Therefore, rather than whole milk, skimmed milk and cottage cheese rather than greasy Camembert are preferred.

Drink a lot

You can learn to give the body plenty of fluid. I always liked to drink a lot of water. My tip: If you are having a hard time, you should use still water, eg. As normal tap water, prefer, because of this one can drink larger quantities.

Before meals or when in between the small hunger reports, I first drink plenty and then wait. Then I fill my stomach with watery foods that have a low nutrient density, so z. B. a large bowl of salad or a plate of raw food (kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, etc.). Only then there is nutrient riches (potatoes, pasta, rice, buckwheat, etc.). Since the stomach is already well filled, you do not need that much anymore.

Dealing with sweets

A good trick to avoid cravings for sweets is to treat yourself to a small candy, ideally dried fruit, right after the main meal and brush your teeth right after the meal. Alternatively, it also does a peppermint chewing gum. Then it will be easier for me to finish the meal.

Eat according to my rhythm

When, how often and how much someone eats during the day is very individual. I advise everyone to listen in and adapt the diet to their own needs. For me, I do not sleep well if I do not get a carbohydrate meal late in the evening. I plan that in my daily routine and save myself the sweet wholegrain biscuits just in the evening, instead of eating in between. Conversely, my body balks at eating in the morning, so I basically leave the breakfast off and usually start with a smoothie or a light fruit meal at lunchtime.

For a good body feeling a lot of movement is important to me as well as the regular view of the scale. In addition, distraction helps to avoid eating out of boredom. I always listen to myself first and then decide if I'm really hungry before I eat. Buy now Vegetarian for beginners: Everyday cuisine fresh, fast and versatile - with weekly planner and Austa? Vegetarian for beginners: Everyday cuisine fresh, fast and versatile - with weekly planner and Austa? 7,99 ?

What I Eat In A Day (how i got my abs) | RENEE AMBERG | April 2024