Washing tips - wash the printed T-shirt properly!

If you leave an individual T-shirt printed in the copy shop or the Internet and would like to enjoy it for a long time, then you should pay attention to important care and washing tips so as not to strain the print motif or the fabric too much.

Basically, washing instructions on the label of the printed T-shirt are only conditionally valid because a flex or flock print motif is much more susceptible than the fabric itself.

Here are some important tips to increase the life of such a T-shirt:

The motif surface should NEVER touch the hot iron.

Various print motifs should NOT touch during ironing (for example, if a motif has been printed on the chest and back and touched on the rolled-up T-shirt).

You must not wash the printed T-shirt hotter than 30 degrees, as motifs are heat-sensitive.

Do not use chemical cleaning agents for cleaning.

The t-shirt should not be tumble dried.

When ironing, you should roll up the T-shirt, because you can just as easily iron the motif surface, so to speak, from the unappealing back.

If you follow these tips, you should have a good time with a printed T-shirt. After all, something is an individual unique, which should be well maintained.

How To Wash Your Printed T Shirts | April 2024