When & where was this? Sort vacation photos already on vacation

Who does not know that? The photos, mostly digital, are sorted by holiday or event. But when was it in France, in 1998 or in 2001 ...

Now the solution:

On the beach just quickly with stones or shells the year and the name of the country in the sand and take pictures. For the honeymoon still a heart around.

At town entrances, special cultural sites, photograph the sign. Happy with the family members together.

At the end of the holiday, take the place name sign at the exit, which is the stroke of the name. Again thank you with stones, flowers, shells, etc. We will be back in Denmark.

So you always know when you where and what was the beautiful place, in the evening you liked to eat!

The imagination knows no bounds and my kids have always had a lot of fun :)

How to Take Memorable Vacation Shots | Photography Tutorial | April 2024