Asure - Noah's Candy: A Turkish sweet soup

If you like sweets, you should definitely try this sweet soup with dried fruits and legumes: Aure? Noah's candy!

A acidity is a traditional Turkish dessert cooked with joy and respect according to ancient tradition. Ashura means ten and consists of at least 7 but up to 41 ingredients, as the numbers 7 as well as 41 in the Turkish / Arabic cultural area are very meaningful. She will be on A acidityDay prepared on the 10th of Muharrem of the Islamic lunar calendar.

It is distributed in the neighborhood and in the circle of friends and there must be at least 7 households to which it is passed. However, it is usual to cook a very large pot of soup and distribute it to as many friends / neighbors / acquaintances as possible. This custom is said to remind Noah, who after the great flood, the last remnants of his supplies to just this dessert processed (short version).

The ingredients may seem unusual at first glance, but I've fallen for the dessert since the first day a former neighbor stood before me. Finally I have prepared it myself? mostly very close to the original recipe, but also according to my personal taste.


  • 1 cup of wheat grains (Dögme)
  • 1/2 cup of white beans
  • 1/2 cup chickpeas
  • 3 tablespoons rice
  • 400 g of sugar
  • some cinnamon
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 orange
  • one hand full of raisins, figs, dried apricots, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds,
  • 2 cloves (optional)
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch

The topping:

(Not necessarily necessary but extremely tasty additions to the soup)

Black cumin, coconut flakes, cinnamon and sugar, sesame seeds, pomegranate seeds, roasted nuts, fresh fruits, grape syrup to sweeten, rose water ...


  1. Wheat, beans and chickpeas are allowed to soak overnight with water.
  2. Rinse well the next day and cook with the rice in fresh water for about 25 to 30 minutes.
  3. Strain and with the minced dried fruit, the spices, the grated orange peel in about 1 liter of fresh water and bring to a boil again.
  4. Check in between to see if the beans are soft.
  5. Cracking the nuts (actually, nuts and almonds are a topping to the soup, I cook them and enjoy making them a little soft)
  6. Approximately 15 minutes before you can assume that the soup is ready, you gradually add the sugar. You should always keep an eye on whether the water is still sufficient
  7. Thicken the cornstarch with the milk and gradually add to the soup. Do not forget the constant stirring and further water supply! (Often up to one liter)

After another 10-15 minutes the soup is ready.

It tastes best lukewarm to me, but it can also be eaten cold and tastes even on the third day.

Good luck, good appetite and above all, do not forget to share!

From the internet, I pick up the nice idea of ​​cooking the soup with kids and reading Noah's story to eat.

Turkish Ashure Recipe | Asure Recipe | Noah's Pudding | April 2024