Banana and carrot cranberry cake baked in a glass


Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking or baking time: 1 hr.
Total preparation time: 1 hr. 30 min.

I know you know cakes in the glass, but today I'm trying for the first time to bake the recipe of backfees44's delicious "banana-carrot-cranberry cake" in the jar. I promised her and that's why I'm going to try it and I'm curious to see if it works.


For 9 tumblers a 420 ml

  • 350 g of flour type 405
  • 1/2 pck of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon soda
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 1 pck of vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 300 g of dried cranberries
  • 2-3 ripe bananas
  • 120 g of carrots
  • 90 ml of buttermilk or natural yoghurt
  • 3 eggs
  • 120 ml rapeseed oil
  • Dust with powdered sugar as desired or cover with chocolate icing


  1. I preheat the oven to 175 degrees at top and bottom heat.
  2. Now I put the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix.
  3. The bananas are peeled and pressed down with a fork and come in an extra bowl. The carrots are washed, peeled and finely grated and come to the banana porridge in the bowl.
  4. Now the eggs, the buttermilk and the rapeseed oil are added.
  5. The dry ingredients, which we all mixed well, now come to the egg mass and are mixed together to a dough.
  6. And everything is then stirred into a pulpy egg mass.
  7. The meticulously cleaned 9 tumblers are provided.
  8. Then the glasses are buttered.
  9. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then the dough 1/2 full filled in the glasses, because he still goes up.
  10. I push the tumblers with the filled dough into the oven (middle rail) for 50 minutes.
  11. After the baking time is up, I turn off the oven and immediately turn the lids on the jars to create the vacuum in the jars we need to keep the cake fresh longer in the jars.
  12. Then I put the glasses with the finished cake in a sheltered place in my kitchen and let them cool overnight.

So dear backfee44, I opened a glass extra, and we tried the cake (my husband and I) and it tasted super good. In my opinion, the cake has succeeded. I would love to give you backfee44 a glass for rehearsal (then you could try it yourself), but we're not there yet.

Well, experiment succeeded and recommended, because the cake tastes really delicious and is not a bit sweet, only I could imagine it with apples in the dough, rather than carrots, but then with raisins.

Carrot Sheet Cake Recipe Demonstration - | June 2024