Betaisodona solution - antiseptic for skin and wounds

Recommended by my orthopedist after a corresponding cut injury, I have the betaisodona Solution (antiseptic for skin and wounds) for years in the house and use it z. For example, and almost exclusively, when tiny fingerprints of paper are more than perceptible (Advent and Christmas are to be guessed at - the crafting, gluing and cutting time begins!).

Application (tried and tested for years!):

I fill a mini glass (20 ml or similar, an empty jam jar or a shot glass are great) with normal tap water and there in a few drops Betaisodona (not count) - Caution: The tincture is strongly coloring (iodine ), so I always have a piece of kitchen paper next to it in my applications.

Then hold the fingertip ... for about 10 seconds in the water-betaisodona mixture, pull out and gently dab the places with kitchen paper, the skin are "cured". Leave the mixture on all parts to be treated - it evaporates very quickly and the finger can be used as usual.

This procedure several times a day If you get past the mixture "(is always at my fingertips - my husband knows this and has given up, to point out that actually all containers with chemical substances / drugs must be properly labeled).

After a maximum of two days, the absolute healing success occurred to me: completely without ointment and / or plaster.

Another note: A bottle of 30 ml (pharmacy) is stable for at least 2 years.

How to care for a healing wound | June 2024