Chicken brier mousse in lemon foam sauce

Here is a recipe for a ragout of chicken breast in a frothy lemon sauce based on a recipe from my grandmother Ella.

Grandma took a whole chicken, I find two whole chicken breasts more productive. When I asked her 30 years ago for her prescription, she said: You boil water in a pot, throw in a handful of salt and four onions and the chicken ... on my question how long, for example, was the brief answer: you can see that then already!

Here comes my modified recipe with a few more details.

For the cooked chicken you need:

  • 2 chicken breasts with bone and skin
  • so much water that they are well covered
  • 3 whole onions with peel
  • 2 garlic cloves, whole
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 whole chili pepper

Bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour until the breasts are soft and easily detached from the bone.

You take the meat out of the pot and let it cool, the skin is thrown away. Cooked skin tastes - me - not particularly. That is something completely different! The meat is now cut into bite-sized pieces.

For the lemon foam sauce you need two pots. A small one that fits in a big one, for a water bath. The large pot is filled to half of the small pot with water, which is brought to a boil. The small pot is in the big pot and comes in there following for the sauce:

  • Juice of 3 lemons
  • 3 whole eggs
  • a bit of salt

Lemon and eggs are whisked well, seasoned and slowly add 3 - 5 tablespoons of chicken stock. The sauce is ready when it has the consistency of a thin pudding.

Mix the finished sauce with the chicken meat cubes.

I served short-cooked TK peas with some dill and rice with curry powder.

The chicken broth I have reserved for the next day. Overnight, the fat had hardened. I skimmed this off and boiled the broth again with an additional chili pepper, some lemon juice, a pinch of sugar and finally a generous dash of sherry. Tastes great.

Good Appetite!

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