Combat ants specifically

Here I would like to introduce my special approach to ants. The following problem: I have many ants right on the edge of the patio door, so to speak, at the entrance door to the living room.

So far, I have tried baking soda, but this was literally "blown away" or washed away by the rain. So not a good solution to the problem, especially no permanent solution. So far I have only had the ants in the living room, but that can always change. To prevent this, I wanted to try something different. That's where the product test from TheFruitAndFlowerBasket came in handy.

I have tried for this post the product "ants spreading and pouring agent" from the company "Naturkraft". In addition to the instructions on the packaging, I have found another, very effective way to use this remedy. I would like to introduce this method briefly.

According to the packaging, you should dissolve 10 grams of the product in 0.5 liters of water. This should then be watered the ant nests and ant trails. This form of "pouring can technique" is too large for me. In the sense of a targeted application, I would like to deploy this active substance in a very targeted manner.

Now I have changed the application a bit. I take twice the concentration of the ant powder, so 20 grams to 0.5 liters of lukewarm water. Then I do not pour out the liquid, but spread it purposefully on the lower edge of my front door to the terrace with a paintbrush in the places where the ants run long, see photo.

After a short drying time, the painting is repeated, the whole a total of three times. Finally, the remaining amount of the dissolved powder is filled up with the same amount of water, so that the correct dilution / concentration is restored. This liquid is then shed as intended on the entrances to the patio door.

Since then I have not seen ants in the entrance area of ​​my patio door. They obviously do not like the drug.


The product has convinced me by its effectiveness. The modification of the application instructions by me is my personal action, and I am responsible for it. However, I think that the double concentration and, at the same time, very specific application (brushing instead of pouring) means can even be used - firstly, more economically and, secondly, more environmentally friendly.

Supported by Naturkraft and TheFruitAndFlowerBasket with a free product.

Ant colony raids a rival nest - Natural World - Empire of the Desert Ants - BBC Two | June 2024