Couscous salad with cucumber, beetroot and goat's cheese


Total preparation time: 30 min.

Fancy summer salad, also suitable for buffets. You can also replace the beetroot with finely chopped tomato and paprika.


For 4 persons (buffet from 10 persons)

  • Couscous 200 g (500 g)
  • 1/2 (1) cucumber
  • 1 (2) garlic clove (s)
  • 1-2 (2-3) smaller tubers Beetroot cooked, no pickled product
  • 2 (4) spring onions
  • 1/2 (1) organic lemon with untreated peel, shell needed to be rubbed off and juice
  • 100-150 g (250-300 g) goat feta (normal feta as well)
  • Vegetable broth according to the instructions for the quantity of couscous
  • Some butter
  • Some cooking oil
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Fresh, smooth parsley, chopped (to gusto)
  • Something fresh, chopped coriander (who likes)


  1. Boil the vegetable stock in the required amount with 1 tablespoon cooking oil and add the couscous. Distribute a few small butter flakes, cover on it and swell according to the package.
  2. In the meantime, whip up the remaining ingredients: Peel the cucumber, halve lengthwise and remove the seeds, cut into small cubes.
  3. Also cut the cooked beetroot into small cubes. Cut the spring onions into very thin rings.
  4. Rub the peel off the organic lemon, then squeeze out.
  5. Finely chop the goat feta or crumble, depending on the quality.
  6. Finely chop the smooth parsley, if necessary also chop some coriander leaves.
  7. Loosen the swollen couscous with the help of a fork, so that the granules are nice and dry, dropping from the fork.
  8. Add the cucumber cubes, beetroot cubes, spring onions, grated lemon zest to the couscous, press the garlic over and mix carefully.
  9. Some edible oil (olive oil is not so much here due to its own taste, but you could try walnut oil, for example) as well as the lemon juice (tablespoonful, careful) and mix carefully again.
  10. Add the goat cheese. Season with pepper and possibly salt, fold in the chopped parsley and the chopped cilantro.
  11. The salad should have a little time to pull, so preparing for mornings / evenings in the morning is ideal.
  12. As always, the information is freely alterable to taste.
  13. Preparation time: about 30 minutes, for the small portion a little less, for a buffet a little more planning.

Good Appetite.

Roasted Beet Salad with Walnuts & Feta | June 2024