Croissant shapes made easy (Eiffel Tower Trick)

With the Eiffel Tower trick, making croissants or croissants is child's play. A small cut-out triangle helps to make the croissants easy to roll up and stay in the right shape.

Baking croissants yourself is not exactly easy because the butter has to be incorporated into the dough and then folded in several layers. Once you have finally made it, the problem remains that the shape can be made to look like a croissant afterwards. It helps a simple trick. The dough is first rolled out as a long rectangle and cut into triangles. On the opposite side of the dough tip, a small mini triangle is cut out and the dough looks like a small Eiffel Tower. Lift the lower doughs on the right and left sides and roll them to the top. The notch automatically results in the slight curvature of the croissant.

My recipe for croissants


  • 500 g of flour (type 450)
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 pack of fresh yeast
  • 1 packet of butter
  • 350 ml of water


Dissolve the yeast in a little lukewarm water and let it go. Put the flour in a mixing bowl and mix with the sugar and salt. Then stir in the yeast and knead the dough. To leave, put the dough in the fridge for an hour.

Place the butter between two pieces of baking paper and roll out to a rectangle with the rolling pin. Put the butter in the baking paper for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Then roll out the dough on the flour-strewn worktop, take the butter dish out of the fridge, put it on the double-rolled dough. Now the top and bottom of the dough is folded around the butter. Roll out the folded dough with the rolling pin and turn it a quarter turn. Now fold the top third of the dough over the second third down and fold the bottom third over it. Roll out again, turn the finished rolled-out part a quarter turn again and fold in the same way and roll out again. After each new fold, the dough is left to cool again for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. The folding and rolling is repeated a total of five times. Then cut the dough into small Eiffel towers as described above, roll it up with sugar water and bake at 180 ° C circulating air for approx. 30 minutes.