Cultivation of mini vine tomatoes

In my tip: //, I had promised to report the result of my attempt to grow tomato slices from two slices of mini-vine tomato.

Around mid-June, the small tomato plantlets were big enough and I planted the eight strongest of them in a planter and several flower pots. Every day, they had to be watered at least twice and they quickly developed into rather large plants. In July, they began to flower and soon also appeared small green vine tomatoes. From mid-September I was able to harvest the first red mini vine tomatoes.

Almost until mid-November, I harvested a few tomatoes every two or three days (between 2 and 8 pieces). Since the temperatures went down, I cut off the plants, which still had several green tomatoes, and hung them up in the shed. So could some mature tomatoes.

Cultivation of mini vine tomatoes - development in pictures:

In May 2018, I pulled out of these two slices of a Mini-Rispentomate in a flower pot with seedling tomato plantlets.

Growing mini-vine tomatoes: In May 2018 I extracted these two slices of a mini-vine tomato in a flower pot with seedlings of tomato seedlings.

Already in the middle of June I was able to plant the eight strongest of the resulting plantlets in a flower box and several flowerpots.

Cultivation of mini vine tomatoes: As early as mid-June, I was then able to plant the eight strongest of the resulting plantlets in a planter and several flowerpots.

The tomato plants soon grew into large plants and started to flower in July.

Growing mini-vine tomatoes: Tomato plantlets developed into large plants fairly quickly and started to flower in July.

Soon after, the first small green vine tomatoes appeared.

Breeding of mini vine tomatoes: Soon after, the first small green vine tomatoes appeared.

The plants grew so vigorously that they had to be supported.

Cultivation of mini vine tomatoes: The plants grew so vigorously that they had to be supported.

The many mini-tomatoes on the numerous panicles were getting bigger.

Breeding mini-vine tomatoes: The many mini-tomatoes on the numerous panicles were always larger.

From mid-September, the first red mini-vine tomatoes were harvested and until almost mid-November, I harvested some tomatoes every 2 or 3 days.

Cultivation of mini vine tomatoes: From mid-September, the first red mini vine tomatoes were harvested and until almost mid-November, I then every two or three days harvested some tomatoes.

A few of the harvested self-grown mini vine tomatoes: Overall, I have harvested 105 mini vine tomatoes with a total weight of just under 2 kilos. The experiment was well worth it and the harvested tomatoes even had a tomato taste, unlike most of the purchased? Water tomatoes? with mostly very hard shell!

Growing mini vine tomatoes: A few of the harvested self-grown mini vine tomatoes.