Cutting pineapple attractively

From a Thai friend I learned how to cut a pineapple effectively and attractively:

Pineapple cut step-by-step instructions

1. First you cut with a slightly coarser knife the head and the ground, then the shell. The pineapple now shows remnants of the deeper outer shell, which run with regularity across.

Next, the outer shell of the pineapple is completely removed with the knife.

2. Now you take a longer knife with a thinner blade and cut carefully across and in a line, the blade must be slightly inclined, on one side of these brownish points along. The same then on the other side, the blade also lead slightly oblique.

The remaining shells are now cut obliquely in a line with a smaller knife

3. Now these dissolved stripes can be easily removed.

After this has been done on the whole fruit, the pineapple has a nice spiral pattern

If you do not tolerate pineapple well, take a handful of salt and rub the whole fruit with it, then immediately rinse the salt under running cold water. The fruit is now well tolerated and the salt also acts as a flavor enhancer.

If not too hard, I leave the stalk in - it contains a lot of vitamins.

Attention: there is this tip on YouTube, only with the salt missing. Of course, the Thai in this video makes it a lot more elegant ... is he in practice?

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How to Cut a Pineapple (4 Ways) - Episode 158 | May 2024