Difference between "Easy care" and "Delicates"

In addition to the topic "what is easy to care for, what is delicate laundry, etc.": For a delicate wash, the machine works with a much higher water level than with a light-care program, or a cotton and colored laundry.

  • Basically, you can say, the least water needs the machine in cooking and coloreds (the high temperatures of course consumes a lot of electricity).
  • The machine needs slightly more water for easy care.
  • The highest water level is with a delicate wash.


The less water in the machine, the more intense the washing effect, by frequent movement of the drum.

Due to the intensive friction of the textiles against each other, one achieves a thorough washing result. (See washboard in the past)

For fine washing, the high water level and less drum movement should simply prevent intensive friction.

Also, you should not stuff the device so delicately! (So ​​that the clothes tend to "swim")


Insensitive outerwear of all kinds, can be easily washed on easy care.

Anything that has applications, imprints or a sensitive surface (pull on the left anyway), I would "scrub" as little as possible! - so delicate wash.

Surely everyone has ever tried a spot or similar. "Rauszureiben". Look closely at the spot afterwards ... that's the effect of friction!

Miele W562 - Easy-Care/Delicates 40ºc | May 2024