Extend budget money - get better over the month

At the end of the budget money is too much month over? Extend budget money - get better over the month!

Almost everyone knows such a situation, sometimes through unpredictable purchases or repairs, sometimes only through bad planning.

And the menu looks a bit monotonous, cheap Savory dishes, ready-to-serve food is on the table, keeps everything that is saturated and inexpensive.

If you have a market nearby, you may not be able to set off until the dealers are already dismantling and packing. Often, with good negotiation strategy, there are still fresh vegetables at super prices. Especially on Saturdays market traders make concessions.

Another way to get along well is to schedule the cheap meals just 1-2 times a week. So they do not pile up and above all, it is avoided so that you have just come through the long culinary drought and straight with Schnitzel and Co back to the budget.

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