Find the whereabouts of the cat & find clothes easily

Inspired by the idea that I have already implemented in my wardrobe (more about that right now), I found a solution for quickly determining the whereabouts of my cat.

She loves to observe me silently from a height of 2.30 m in my search for her. Of course she may rest there on a cozy pillow, but I never see from my position whether she is really there at the moment. It is important to me to know where she is when I leave the house.

She is a release, but must stay in the house for safety reasons, until I come back.

The solution:

A mirror under the ceiling over the wardrobe.

The idea came to me, because I have handled it within the cabinets on the top compartments for a long time:

Under the shelves of the last two upper compartments, I glued mirror tiles or mirror foil so that I can immediately see what is in these subjects behind the front stack of shirts, etc. I do not have to pick up a stepladder every time, and then disappointedly realize that the part you're looking for does not store there, of course.

Mirrors or mirror films are also practical in floor-to-ceiling deep storage cabinets. So toilet paper, tealights, household roll and other non-perishable goods can be stored at the very back and you can see immediately what and how much is still in stock.

The "cat finder" under the ceiling is in my case a curved mirrored decorative element made of plastic, which was once in Ikea. I can dispose of very bad and so it flew for weeks from one corner to the other, until I knew something else to do with it. Of course it distorts the object by a strong intentional curvature, but I know my cat and I know it is her!

Due to the minimal weight, it can easily be attached using a hot glue gun or mounting foam.

Who does not trust it, can use mirror foil.

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