Fine apple pie


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking or baking time: 35 min.
Rest period: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total preparation time: 2 hours 20 minutes

Now that Apple time is back, try this fine recipe for apple fritters.


For the yeast dough

  • 250 ml of lukewarm buttermilk or milk
  • 1 pck of dry yeast or 1 cube of fresh yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 500g flour
  • 90 g of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 80 g of butter

For the filling

  • 4-6 apples
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


For the yeast dough

First, mix the lukewarm buttermilk or milk with 1 tbsp of sugar and the dried yeast and let it stand until the yeast has dissolved. Then knead the remaining ingredients with the yeast mixture (first with the mixer, then by hand). Knead the whole thing nice. Heat the oven to 50 degrees and place the yeast dough covered in a bowl in the cuddly cavity and let rest for 1 hour.

For the filling

Peel the apples and cut into small cubes. Mix with the brown sugar and cinnamon. If the yeast dough has now grown significantly, then knead it again briefly and divide it into 16 equal pieces. Now flatten the small pieces of dough with the palm of your hand and place approx. 2 tablespoons of apple filling on each dough flat. Then fold in the edges and turn the little ones on the seam side. Cover the rolls again and let them rest in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Mix with a yolk milk mixture (1 egg yolk + 1-2 tbsp milk) and brush the cakes, and bake in the preheated oven (180 degrees top / bottom heat) and bake for about 35 minutes until they have a golden color.

For the frosting

Approximately Mix 8 tablespoons of powdered sugar and about 2-3 tablespoons of milk until smooth and spread over the cooled apple cakes with a spoon.