Germinating chia seeds

Chia seeds are healthy. Sprouted seeds are said to be even healthier and easier to digest. I tried it in the germination device for the small kitchen.

This is how I proceed:

1. As a germination device, I use two glass bowls with a straight edge, which can be stacked well.

2. At the bottom of the glass bowl, I put a piece of the "freshness mat", which gives it for the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator, which improves the air circulation and prevents mold growth. (I've cut out two matching circles)

3. Then comes the double-layered kitchen crepe, which I wet well under the tap.

4. Spread a teaspoon of chia seeds on top, put a second glass bowl or glass dish on top and let it swell.

5. Morning and evening I rinse the seeds carefully. For this I put the kitchen crepe together with seeds in a sieve and carefully let fresh water from the tap through. Drain excess water through the strainer and put back into the glass bowl. If more water collects at the bottom of the bowl, it can be drained by tilting. It must not be moldy.

6. The chia seeds sprout already after two days, taste alfalfa-like, but not very intense. In the second bowl I grow rucola or cress. Tastes delicious on butter or cheese bread.

Sprouting Chia Seeds | May 2024